Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Things I Hate

I hate to see people doing things that don't help them in any way but have the possibility of doing much harm - for instance, drinking (loss of money, job, friends, reputation, drivers license, etc., etc.). In my relationships and jobs I've seen this happen over and over. What starts out as "cool" can become a habit that is hard to overcome. Friends should be chosen carefully; if they have bad habits and encourage you to join in, then you need new and different friends. I guess I'm old fashioned but to see beautiful young women intent on "partying" and then how it affects their image of purity and honoring the Lord makes me recoil. I mentioned my opinion on drinking to someone recently and was told "Everyone does it!" That doesn't mean that it's the right or smart thing to do. Again, risking being considered "old fashioned," I think girls and women should be "lady-like" and stay away from beer (over a time, it makes you have a big protruding belly too) and any kind of drink that can make you lose your resolve. (For the record, I also think it is stupid for guys to drink too!)

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