Saturday, November 19, 2011


I love this time of year! The pear tree's leaves are falling and it's fun to walk through the back yard in the red, gold, brown and green leaves. Bob hates raking them, tho.
Who would have thought that freshly washed windows, inside and out, would make the house look so nice. It all started when I was dusting the plantation shutters and saw spider webs in-between the double panes. The back windows are hard to open so had to call Bob to help me. After washing those (all six sides of the glass) just had to do the rest of them. The 2 front windows are easy to wash as they 'fold in' and you can wash the inside and outside without going outside. Bob did the big picture window in the living room and I did the kitchen window. Walked around the rest of the day looking at my clean, sparkling windows with the sunshine pouring in! I thought about what a simple thing like having clean windows can bring so much pleasure. Guess cleanliness IS next to godliness!
We're looking forward to our trip to Tulsa next Tuesday. Especially special will my my early "80th Birthday" dinner with Scott, Vicky, Jeff and G'Pa. Then we'll enjoy seeing Taylor when he gets home from KU and then Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday with Wanda, Mike and Edwina. We always enjoy being with our kids and grandkids. I'm not looking forward to flying, tho. I've written about that before and dread the long lines and pat downs, etc.
I'm making Italian Vegetable Stew and cornbread tonight and then we'll watch the Oklahoma-Baylor game (if we can get it here). Always enjoy good football games!

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